Lily and Milo

Nithya Rajagopal
2 min readMay 28, 2024


The morning mist clung stubbornly to the grass as Lily peeked out her window. A tiny whimper pierced the silence, making her frown. There, nestled on the porch swing, was a ball of shivering fur. It was a puppy, no bigger than her slipper, with fur the color of dark chocolate and eyes that mirrored melted caramel. Lily’s heart ached. How could someone abandon such a helpless creature? Disobeying her usual morning routine, she grabbed a bowl of milk and some leftover chicken. The puppy flinched at her approach, his tail tucked firmly between his legs. Lily spoke softly, her voice a gentle coo. “Hey there, little one. Come on, come get some breakfast.”

Hesitantly, the puppy inched forward, sniffing the bowl tentatively. His bony ribs were easily visible, and a small patch of fur on his leg seemed matted and raw. Lily’s concern deepened. Over the next few days, she left food and water on the porch, patiently waiting for the puppy to warm up to her. Slowly, his fear melted away. He started wagging his tail tentatively when she approached, his whimpers replaced by eager barks. Lily named him Milo. One afternoon, a loud yelp shattered the peaceful afternoon. Lily rushed outside to find Milo whimpering, his paw tucked at an unnatural angle. Panic surged through her. She scooped him up, his tiny body trembling against hers. With a racing heart, she rushed him to the vet. The vet confirmed a broken leg — a clean break, thankfully. Lily sat beside Milo throughout the cast application, her hand stroking his soft fur. The vet explained the aftercare, his kind eyes crinkling at the corners. “He seems to have a good guardian here,” he commented. Lily blushed, a warmth blooming in her chest. The following weeks were a blur of vet visits, bandage changes, and endless cuddles. Milo, despite the discomfort, seemed eternally grateful. He licked her face with fervor, showered her with sloppy kisses, and followed her everywhere like a furry shadow. One evening, as Lily sat on the porch swing, Milo curled up at her feet, a familiar pang of loneliness struck her. She had always envisioned her life with a furry companion by her side. Looking at Milo, his eyes brimming with unwavering trust, she realized the feeling was mutual. Taking a deep breath, she reached down and scratched Milo behind the ears. “Welcome home, buddy,” she whispered. A joyful bark erupted from Milo, and Lily knew, in that moment, their lives were forever intertwined. From that day on, Milo wasn’t just the puppy she rescued; he was her best friend, her family. The little ball of fur who once shivered on her porch swing had filled the empty spaces in her heart with a love as boundless as his playful spirit.

